Ministries Christiaan December 31, 2022 December 31, 2022 Ministries If TDMI does it, it's found here. Explore and learn more. Verse StudiesWe regularly post devotions centered around a verse in scripture. Find our latest verse and an archive of all 400+ verses we've done since starting in 2019 in a helpful by book order. Bible StudiesBoth in-depth and interactive, the verse-by-verse bible studies are designed to delve deep into the passage and context to illuminate the full story being told to challenge both lifelong Christians and those searching or new to the faith. ResourcesBible Studies, personal blogs, book recommendations, and other things we think can help you in your searching for truth! Coffee and ConversationsYou're invited to get a free cup of coffee and pick our brains or just chat about whatever is on your mind.Ministry PartnershipsWe're partnering with other ministries and organizations; you can find out about them here! SoonHere are some of the things we'd like to start soon, but want to see if you're interested in.