1st Corinthians 12:12-31 talks about the body of Christ and how everyone has different roles within it. We believe the same is true for churches and Christian ministries, while we pursue common goal of making disciple making disciples who go out and make disciples (Matthew 28:16-20) every ministry and church is comprised of different people with different strengths and weaknesses, with different callings and visions for how the church/ministry achieves that goal.
Therefore, we believe that cooperation and partnership, not competition should be an essential part to TDMI's ministry. If your church or ministry is in need of someone/a group to come alongside yours and help stand in the gap let us know and we can see how we can help!
Cobb Pregnancy Resource Center
Cobb Pregnancy Resource Center is a full service center dedicated to consistently change the lives of women for the better. This is achieved by providing women with accurate information on single parenting, adoption, STD’s, and prenatal development. Education classes such as parenting skills, health and nutrition, abstinence, and moral development are taught. Women are also provided the opportunity to better their lives as well as their children with job skill preparation and support groups.
TDMI partners with CPRC through helping with events, fundraising, and hosting bible studies at the center.

Who's next?
- Are you part of a ministry that is missing something that TDMI can help with?
- Are you part of a church that needs someone to teach an in-depth, theologically sound study for a month or three?
- Are you a pastor of a small church who needs a break teaching multiple times a week?
Let us know through our contact page (Subject: Partnership) and we can set up a time to talk and see if TDMI can help!