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Why give to TDMI?
One of the core principles when TDMI was founded back in 2019, was that we wanted to provide in-depth studies that were theologically sound and make them easily accessible for free. Because of this, we don't have advertisements on our website, nor do we do fundraise on a regular basis. It was important to us that with all the different causes available, you didn't feel pressured to support us - therefore we simply have this one page where we make it available to you.
100% of donations go towards ministry work, no one takes a salary, and gifts aren't given at the end of the year. We are a 501(c)(3).
Ministry work not only includes helping those in need by providing learning to supplies to those who can't afford, helping with various benevolence initiatives, but also administration costs like maintaining the website (hosting and domain related fees), business licensing, P.O. Box rental, software licenses, and marketing materials.