Below you will find books, by author, that we recommend to aid you in your Christian walk. Each of us who work with True Devotion Ministries will be including books that have been an inspiration and a help in our growth in the Lord.

We will be adding to this list on a regular basis so keep checking in. We hope you enjoy them and grow stronger in your faith through them. Check out the Meet Us page to learn more about us.

William Recommends:

  • Andrews, Edgar
    • What is Man?” – Adam, Alien or Ape? A very good discussion regarding what is man. A scholarly approach that helps us understand why science cannot answer the questions on the origin of man. Only by viewing the world as it is, the creation of an infinite and all powerful God can we sufficiently give the answer to the basic question of What Is Man?
  • Boom, Corrie Ten
    • The Hiding Place– This is the courageous story of Corrie Ten Boom who was sentenced by the Nazi’s for aiding the Jews. It shows immense bravery in brutal times is a lesson for all of us as times get tougher as we approach the end.
  • Keyes, Dick
    • True Heroism in a World of Celebrity Counterfeits – A great book on who our real heroes should be and why.
    • Beyond Identity” – Finding your way as we endeavor to embrace the Image and Character of God for ourselves..
  • George, Denise and Tomlin, Caroline
    • The Secret Holocaust Diaries – The untold story of Nonna Bannister, a Russian-American who saw and survived unspeakable evils as a young girl during WWII and the holocaust. As in the Hiding Place, we see immense courage to come out on the other side and how she finally was set free once she moved to the United States and was married to a Godly man.
  • Groothuis, Douglas
    • Philosophy in Seven Sentences – A small introduction to a the vast topic of Philosophy. These are seven ideas from seven different philosophers which help us enter the world of philosophical thought. And he explains these complex ideas in an easy to understandable way.
    • Truth Decay – Defending Christianity against the Challenges of Postmodernism. Postmodern individuals do not believe in truth as universal, but as relative to each person. This book discusses how we can approach and discuss Christianity with them such that they will be more apt to accept it.
  • Koukl, Gregory
    • Tactics” – Greg gives a good game plan for communicating the truth of Christianity in a manner that is both confident and gracious. He focuses on using questions to keep control of the conversation in the same way the TV detective Columbo used questions to secure the truth.
  • Lewis, C. S.
    • The Screwtape Letters – A classic satire on human weakness features Screwtape, an elderly devil, who writes a series of letters to Wormwood, his apprentice and nephew. This is a great book to show how the enemy works to deceive and take our eyes off the Lord and onto ourselves and our weaknesses.
  • Montgomery, John Warwick
    • Where is History Going?– A Christian response to Secular Philosophies of History. This is an excellent book on the many views of history and why the Christian view is the only valid approach in truly understanding it.
  • Rutland, Mark
    • Behind the Glittering Mask – A novel regarding the Archangel Michael vs Lucifer on the Seven Deadly Sins. A fun book to read while allowing us to see both sides of the debate.
  • Schaeffer, Francis
    • The God Who Is There” – The author shows how evangelism of modern man must begin with the reality of God. In other words, we must show that God must exist if they are to see the Christian gospel as reality and truth.
    • He is there and He is not Silent – This book discusses fundamental questions about God, such as who he is and why he matters. A very intriguing book that will answer many questions we may have about the God we serve.
    • Escape from Reason – This shows how truth used to be based on reason, but no more. What we feel is now the truest source of reality. He does a great job in showing how we got to this point in our thought process and ultimately how we can communicate unchanging truth within this changing world.
    • True Spirituality – How to live for Jesus moment by moment. This is, in my view, the best book to introduce yourself to the books of Francis Schaeffer and the way he thinks. If you want to understand “true spirituality”, this is the book to read.
    • “No Little People” – Most Christians take an honest look at themselves and conclude that their limited talents and knowledge mean that they don’t amount to much, The author says that the biblical emphasis is quite different. With God there are no little people! A good book to help you see yourself the way God does.
  • Sire, James W.
    • The Universe Next Door– A basic catalog of the most prevalent Worldviews. If you want to reach out and see how people think and the various ways mankind sees truth and the world so you can reach them with the gospel, this is a great book to explain the basic worldviews, both secular and religious.
  • Smith, Kimberly L.
    • “Passport Through Darkness” – A True Story of Danger and Second Chances. This is the Story of of an average American churchgoer, wife and mother Kimberly L. Smith. She dared to ask God His dreams for her life. and He answered her in ways she never would have thought about. She ended up starting the ministry Make Way Partners which brought joy to her life. However, it brought extreme danger as well which she describes in detail and how God helped her through those difficult days.
  • Strobel, Lee
    • The Case for a Creator– A very good book about how a journalist investigates and discovers that science, rather than proving Christianity wrong, is actually showing that God must exist in order that what is could be. The evidence he shows is compelling and will be difficult to dismiss for those who hold presuppositions against the existence of God and Intelligent Design.
  • The Voice of the Martyrs
    • Hearts of Fire – An excellent book telling the stories of Eight Women in the Underground Church and their stories of Costly Faith. This has really opened my eyes to the horrors many have gone through simply for following Christ.
    • Tortured for Christ – Richard Wurmbrand’s story of how he was put into prison in Romania for his faith and what we can do to help those who are imprisoned and suffering for the sake of Christ.
  • Van Dyke, Michael
    • Radical Integrity – The Story of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, how he became a Christian and lived it completely. Through this book, I really began to appreciate his courage and strength, and how we must deal with severe persecution as it comes to us.

Christiaan Recommends: 

Hey all! I’ve got a few different recommendations, and I thought it best to start with my five books and hit all the different genres. I would recommend reading in no particular order, if you have any questions about the books recommended, feel free to reach out!

  • Chan. Francis
    • Forgotten God” – A lot of time in today’s churches the trinity is the Father, Son, and Holy Scriptures, but Jesus said it was better for him to leave earth so that Holy Spirit could come down. In Forgotten God, Francis Chan writes about both good and bad experiences with Holy Spirit, explores what scripture has to say about the often forgotten aspect of the Trinity. I’ve recommend this book on a regular basis, especially to those who may have had bad experiences with people who claim to be operating in the Spirit’s power and often aren’t.
  • Edmonds, David and Warburton, Nigel
    • Philosophy Bites Back – One of the often overlooked aspects of Christian discipleship is the importance of having an understanding of not just what to believe, but why we believe it. That’s why I’m recommending this book and it’s a very different book than all of the above. This book is a series of interviews between Edmonds/Warburton and experts on specific philosophers. My absolute favorite one is interview number 18, between Warburton on Claire Carlisle on Soren Kierkegaard’s masterpiece, Fear and Trembling. In addition to interviews about various philosophers’ opinions on ethics and where we get them, what truth, forgiveness, and morals are.
  • Eldredge, John
    • Epic– My family and I are huge fans of literature, especially fantasy worlds like Lord of the Rings. In Epic, John Eldredge parallels our lives with that of an Epic. He uses a lot of references to pop culture epics as well as literary ones. Much like the Screwtape Letters, Epic gives a fresh perspective and a different way of approaching topics that, if raised in church, you’ve heard all your life.
  • Lewis, C. S.
    • The Screwtape Letters” – The Screwtape Letters follows the advice of an uncle demon to his nephew Wormwood about Wormwood’s patient, a young man in London. The advice is give to help the patient fall away from God, so it has to be read with a “do the opposite” mindset, but it’s a phenomenal read that is both easy to understand and difficult to comprehend. Since it follows multiple seasons of the patient’s life, it’s applicable to all parts of our lives.
  • Willard, Dallas
    • The Spirit of the Disciplines – One of the first classes I had to take in Seminary was called Spiritual Formations. My professor said that he assigned The Spirit of the Disciplines because he goes through it on a regular basis because of the practicality it had in helping to set up spiritual disciplines. I found it to be true. Too often we end up over complicating and missing out on what God has for us, because we try to over do and over spiritualize our time with him. But even more so than just giving advice for how to spend time with God, Dallas Willard seeks to answer some questions about living the Christian life.