Here you will find all True Devotion Newsletters in date order with a summary of what is covered in each. Click the Edition to access actual newsletter.
Latest Edition – Edition 4 Volume 12 – 12-01-2022– This edition introduces changes coming in the New Year. Our Thought of the Month – As Christians we are to make Disciples.
Edition 1 Volume 1 – 07-01-2019 – This month we focus on the Ministry’s start-up, what prompted it and our overall focus. Our Thought of the Month discusses how there are no little people in the Kingdom of God. There is also a schedule of events for the month.
Edition 1 Volume 2 – 08-01-2019 – This month we explain who True Devotion Ministries is and what we believe God has called us to do. Out Thought of the Month discusses how God can use us at times we do not expect. We also have our August Schedule of Events
Edition 1 Volume 3 – 09-01-2019 – This month we focus on the Passion of the ministry, which is basically helping Christians understand that Christian Fellowship is essential in discipleship. And God uses all of us to provide the fellowship and growth needed by many in the Christian community. Our Thought of the Month deals with the church coming back to true fellowship, rather than the current cultures view of fellowship. We also have our September Schedule of Events.
Edition 1 Volume 4 – 10-01-2019 – This month we focus on the unity of the body and how we should work together in our work for Christ and not in competition with anyone or anything else. We can do so much more together than separately. Our Thought of the Month deals with the idea that what God wants of us is more important than what we want for ourselves. He is our Lord and King, and it is Him we obey.
Edition 1 Volume 5 – 11-01-2019 – This month we focus on the Goal of the ministry, that being Making A Difference in all we do, We also talk about our attendance at the Growing Deeper Roots Conference and what we experienced in Kalamazoo, MI. Also, our Thought of the Month talks about our need to be Thankful in all Things.
Edition 1 Volume 6 – 12-01-2019 – This month we focus on Christmas and our celebration of this great holiday. Especially how our focus should be on the true meaning of Christmas, which is the birth of the Messiah, Jesus the Christ. Also, our Thought of the Month talks about how there are many needy out in our communities that could use our help during this season.
Edition 2 Volume 1 – 01-01-2020 – This month we look at what is next here for True Devotion Ministries. What will we be focusing on in 2020 and what new things will we be adding as part of our ministry’s work. Also, our Thought of the Month talks about how our focus as Christians needs to be on positive things, and how we address the negatives in our lives.
Edition 2 Volume 2 – 02-01-2020 – This month we look at discipleship of our children. Why it is important and an idea as to how this can be accomplished in a way that helps our children receive what we are presenting by making it enjoyable for all. Also, our thought of the Month addresses how, as we train our children, how we must remember we are also being trained by God in all He causes and allows us to go through.
Edition 2 Volume 3 – 03-01-2020 – This month we are focusing on Prayer. We point out the importance of prayer in our Christian walk, and why it is vital that we spend time daily talking with God. We also introduce a new ministry opportunity within True Devotion Ministries, that being a weekly prayer meeting every Wednesday. Our thought of the month discusses how prayer is a two way communication and not just us speaking to Him.
Edition 2 Volume 4 – 04-01-2020 – This month we are focusing on the Resurrection. We point out how important this is and how it should be looked at as the greatest event ever in history. And our thought of the month discusses our resurrection and what life will look like because of our salvation.
Edition 2 Volume 5 – 05-01-2020 – True Devotion Ministries One Year Anniversary, where we give an update on where we are going and how we will open more classes and studies as the quarantine ends. Our Thought for the month looks at how we should respond to how the news and our culture is answering how the news and politics are covering this lock-down.
Edition 2 Volume 6 – 06-01-2020 – This month we will look at the calling God has placed on us who are Christians and what that calling is. We look at Jesus’ discussion on Isaiah 61:1-2 and how He was the one that His Father was referring to and how we now have a responsibility to make disciples that will join in the wok of spreading the gospel. Our Thought of the Month discusses that we must be ready at all times to do the work of God.
Edition 2 Volume 7 – 07-01-2020 – This month we will look again at our calling but from another angle. In this edition, we answer two questions. The first one is why are we still here? Why did we not go to heaven instead of staying here. In our Thought of the Month, we look at how we can be effective in fulfilling our call.
Edition 2 Volume 8 – 08-01-2020 – This month we look at how we deal with the poor and needy, and the broken. I present a personal testimony on this and a story of how a child encouraged a homeless woman. In our Thought of the Month, I encourage everyone to do all we can to reach out to those who need out help.
Edition 2 Volume 9 – 09-01-2020 – This month we discuss how the Teaching Christians what the Christian is all about is the Heart of Discipleship and is essential in preparing them for the work God has for them. In our Thought of the Month, I discuss why it is important that we teach disciples to make disciples wh will make disciples.
Edition 2 Volume 10 – 10-01-2020 – This month we discuss the idea of God Desiring Christians work together with other Christians . In our Thought of the Month, I discuss how our attitude speaks louder than our words.
Edition 2 Volume 11 – 11-01-2020 – This month we look at the idea of looking at others more highly than we see ourselves, reaching out to help those ion need. Our Thought of the Month looks into at how if we were in need, what would we want.
Edition 2 Volume 12 12-01-2020 – This month we look at the the Christmas Holiday and what significance it holds to us. Our Thought of the Month looks into at how to make Christmas truly special.
Edition 3 Volume 1 01-01-2021 – This month we look at the New Year and some of the plans we have for 2021 Our Thought of the Month speaks of doing some self examination as to how our faith is and where we need to make some adjustments.
Edition 3 Volume 2 02-01-2021 – This month we discuss the idea that God works through us, looking at our role as Christians in this world. Our Thought of the Month speaks about the way we can live out this Christian life.
Edition 3 Volume 3 – 03-01-2021– This month we discuss the idea of Witnessing in todays world. Our Thought of the Month speaks about how we can be more effective in our witnessing.
Edition 3 Volume 4 – 04-01-2021– This month we discuss our two year anniversary as a ministry. Our Thought of the Month speaks about where True Devotion Ministries go from here.
Edition 3 Volume 6 – 06-01-2021– This month we discuss our focus at TDMI and what a Christian’s focus should be. Our Thought of the Month speaks about Doing All to the Glory of God.
Edition 3 Volume 7 – 07-01-2021– This month we discuss how TDMI is ready to go into the community again in ministry. Our Thought of the Month speaks about We should Give our all, for God gave His all for us.
Edition 3 Volume 10 – 10-01-2021– This month we discuss TDMI is starting again to go into the community along with opportunities for anyone to possibly join us. Our Thought of the Month speaks on The Grace we receive should be the Grace we give.
Edition 4 Volume 1 – 01-01-2022– This month we will discuss the Church’s primary calling. Our Thought of the Month points out what the Church really is, and it is not a building.
Edition 4 Volume 2 – 02-01-2022– This volume focuses on being a light in the world. Our Thought of the Month points out we must be doing God’s work.
Edition 4 Volume 5 – 05-01-2022– This volume informs of new things coming to TDMI. Our Thought of the Month – Never Let Us Forsake Gathering Together
Edition 4 Volume 9 – 09-01-2022– This volume informs of new changes to our Website. Our Thought of the Month – How you can assist us in our work.
Edition 4 Volume 10 – 10-01-2022– This edition speaks of our Need to gather together as Christians. Our Thought of the Month – Why is True Fellowship Important.
Latest Edition – Edition 4 Volume 12 – 12-01-2022– This edition introduces changes coming in the New Year. Our Thought of the Month – As Christians we are to make Disciples.